If the buyer would like to introduce new products into production, then equipment and tools necessary to prepare this new product. The machine tool manufacturing and production requires much greater accuracy than the parts manufacturing for production. Our partners are well-equipped machine park customers’ disposal, custom injection molding, cutting and bending tools also undertake preparation.
Pilot projects:
Replacement Parts
The ABS function control system for motor vehicle testing electrical sensors are located in the following terms: Before shooting a magnetized wheel ABS sensor, thereby generating square wave, which processes and evaluates the manner specified internal standard special test card. The equipment can be divided into two parts: a basic machine and full set of spare parts, which must be adapted to the equipment being tested sensor type. Multi-brand car with ABS sensor testing has made such a full set of spare parts. In addition, more advanced measurement system for the modern products have been installed and the necessary electrical and firmware enhancements performed.
- Cserealkatrészek: mágnesezett kerekek
- Cserealkatrészek a tárolóban
- Cserealkatrész felszerelve a mérő gépre
Tool design and manufacture
Altered base with modified bending/cutting tools undertook the design and implementation of a national automotive company. The tool can realize 90-degree drive and slaughter. The tools are manufactured to the plans submitted by the component drawings, and in particular the tűrésezett sizes and shapes, taking into account that the material change will not cause a jam in the machine. The tools have a cutting knives and stamps construction designed for easy replacement. During the design process we took into account the client company’s internal standards.
- Hajlító/Kivágó szerszám terve
- Hajlító/Kivágó szerszám
- Hajlító/Kivágó szerszám működés közben
Bending / Cutting tool assembly
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