Elecrtical desing, construction

Within the framework of electrical design and construction of a dynamic and professionally undertake projects in industrial design, construction and development, and technical coverage and maintenance applications, electrical plans.


Pilot project:

  • EAC manual curing electrical equipment cabinet

The electrical cabinet was available for redevelopment plan for the electrical equipment . However, the electrical equipment locker had been extended several times and the retrofitted components have only been able to place the cabinet side . During the reconstruction housed in a cabinet the size of parts to any future expansions are possible. At the bottom of the cabinet are received through cable glands . In addition to the existing glands plus clippings were placed , they are equipped with blind plugs. The new built-in electric oven its terminals , cable , főkapcsolóból , push buttons, and tömszelencékből new elements are introduced . During the breakdown used in the original PLC control cabinet and explaining the blocks , the vészrelét and a solid state relay will move to the new cabinet. The new electrical box pre-assembled and transported to the site, so the reconstruction is done as quickly as possible.

  • EAC leak testing equipment for electrical cabinet

The electrical cabinet is not available for the reconstruction plan of the electrical equipment was available, so the site of the existing cables, wires one by one had to follow through, to be reproduced in the current state. The complete electrical plan became the basis. The electrical cabinet átszerelték several times previously. The new cabinet design when space was provided for the possible future expansions. At the bottom of the cabinet are received through cable glands. In addition to the existing glands plus clippings were placed, they are equipped with blind plugs. The new built-in electric oven its terminals, cable, push buttons, and tömszelencékből new elements have been incorporated. The new electrical box pre-assembled and transported to the site, so the reconstruction is done as quickly as possible.

  • Create a processing unit

The function control devices established the conformity of products. During the electrical testing of the measured values ​​are processed and evaluated by a special manner specified internal standard measuring board. Multi-brand car with ABS sensor testing has made ​​processing units. In addition, more advanced measurement system for the modern products have been installed and the necessary electrical and firmware enhancements performed.


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